What is a cookie?

When you visit websites, they can save small pieces of information on your computer or phone that can be read when you visit the same site again. These files where small pieces of information are stored are called cookies or identification information. Cookies are generally used to improve your browsing experience and personalize websites. For example, if you check the "remember me" option when you log in to a site, the site will save a cookie on your browser that includes your username (or a unique ID number). Only the site that created the cookie can read it. The site determines how long the cookie will be stored.

Use of cookies

We use cookies on our website (www.at.vbtsoft.com) to make the most of your experience and improve your user experience. When you enter our website, you are asked whether you accept the use of cookies. After selecting the 'Accept' option, cookies will be activated. If you change your mind later and do not want cookies to be used, you can always delete or block cookies from your browser settings. However, we would like to remind you that this may affect your use of our website. Cookies will continue to be used on this site unless you change your cookie settings in your browser. The purpose of using cookies and how long they are stored is specified below. You are directly or indirectly sharing some information and data with us to use the services available on our site. These are personal information you provided when registering for the site (such as name, email address, phone number) or information we collected during your use of the site (such as IP, device, location and browser information, browsing and interaction content, date and connection time). We take maximum care in storing your information and data. The cookie data stored on our server is not shared with third parties.

Types of cookies

Cookies, whose main purpose is to provide convenience to users, are mainly divided into 4 main groups:

Session Cookies: These are cookies that enable various features, such as transferring information between internet pages and remembering information entered by the user systemically, and are necessary for the proper functioning of the website functions. Functional Cookies: These are cookies that allow users to be reminded of previously selected options to provide convenience to the user and aim to provide advanced internet features to users within the scope of the website. Advertising and Third-Party Cookies: These are cookies belonging to third-party providers and enable the use of some functions on the website and tracking advertising (displaying appropriate ads).

Use Purposes of Cookies

The purposes of the cookies used by www.at.vbtsoft.com are as follows:

Use for security purposes: to ensure the management and security of vbtakademi.com.tr systems, cookies that allow the use of functions on this site or detect irregular behaviors are used.

Use for security purposes: to ensure the management and security of vbtakademi.com.tr systems, cookies that allow the use of functions on this site or detect irregular behaviors are used.

Use for analytics and performance purposes:

Cookies that enable analysis and measurement of the use of the website are used.

Use for advertising and targeting purposes:

Cookies that enable advertisements to be displayed according to users' interests and preferences are used. You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings.

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Wir verwenden Cookies und Technologien (Tools), um den Besucher die optimale Nutzung unserer Webseite zu ermöglichen. Sofern Sie uns Ihre Einwilligung erteilen, werden wir Dienste von Drittenanbietern verwenden, die Informationen und Daten im Endgerät eines Seitenbesuchers speichern und dort abrufen. Sie können Ihre Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft in unserer Datenschutzerklärung widerrufen. Informationen über die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten bei Avrupadan, Ihre Rechte und Ansprechpartner gemäß den Bestimmungen der Datenschutzgrundverordnung finden Sie unter Datenschutzhinweis: https://avrupadan.com/sayfa/datenschutz